Saturday 17 March 2012

Farewell my love )':

I woke up that morning aching from lack of sleep. Even so, i was not in the least reluctant to leave my hotel room as i knew, i had limited time left in the country. I felt my heart sank at the mere thought that it was my last day at Taiwan...
Strolling down the streets of the well-known Xi Men Ding, I could not resist to go window shopping. I shopped till i was nearly broke, but was still far from contentment. Xi Men Ding was the source of  Taiwan's fashion, subculture, and Japanese culture. I stayed a little longer at the famous Xi Men Ding Pedestrian Area which was the first pedestrian area built in Taipei and is the largest in Taiwan.


It was the last hour i had at Taiwan. I decided to spend it at Taipei 101.

I could hardly believe i was finally here, at Taipei 101. Yes, the building was tall, incredibly tall. I squinted my eyes as i look at the top of the building. Wow, i was not disappointed. That, was how one of the world's tallest building looked like, unbelievable. What i did not know before was, the building had actually 5 floors underground! I gained yet another knowledge, the 101 symbolizes a world center where earth and sky meet and the four compass directions join. The repeated segments of 101 recalls the rhythms of the Asian pagoda, a tower linking the earth and sky.
I was fed with enough information, it was time to leave. It was almost agonizing to have to leave Taiwan, which had become my favorite country. I swore to return again one day. Before leaving, I snapped a last photo of the striking Tower, 101.

-11th December


Friday 16 March 2012

Food Paradise

I could barely take my eyes off everything. I was so overwhelmed by the variety of food stalls that i kept up a string of gasps and squeals. Oh my, i could still remember clearly the food that i saw, and could almost still smell the aroma of them.
I turned the corner into the street. The loud chatter of the people there, the bright lights of the signboards and the stream of never ending road stalls were the first things that i behold. I was there, at the ShiLing night market.

 Everything that was sold that had great appeal to me, i had the urge to buy each and everyone of them. However these are the things that i could not help buying; an omelette that i would never forget, which made me crave for more. It has a primary filling of mini oysters. The omelette with oysters dipped with chili was a irresistible sight. The first bite of the omelette had made me understood the reason why many were willing to queue long hours for just a plate of omelette.

There was a question i heard from my friend and finally knew why she asked it; "What's the use of going to Taiwan when you did not try the bubble tea?" The bubble tea at Taiwan, it was simply marvelous. I felt that i could drink a dozen cups of it, and could chew at the pearls forever. I give the bubble tea there a total thumbs up! I gain a knowledge from the owner of one of the bubble tea shop owners too. She was very friendly and i had a wonderful time speaking to her. I learnt that milk tea or bubble tea originated from Taiwan, and the pearls are made of tapioca!

Gosh, even now, when i thought of the delicious chicken i ate that night,  i would feel the need to eat it. Sadly, the chicken is currently out of reach! Anyway, the chickens there were not fried whole but was divided to four constituent sections instead. They were the breast and the wing of the chicken, which were the front, and the other two sections were from the back. The chicken that i bought was definitely not enough for me, hence, i bought one more, licking each and every of my ten fingers after i am done. Throughout the whole of the hour i was at the fried chicken stall, i kept up a light conversation with the vendor there. Once again, i learnt something new! I was told the three main techniques for frying chickens: shallow frying, deep frying and broasting, according to the customers' preference. Shallow frying is where the chicken is fried in a sturdy pan in a source of fat that does not fully immerse in the chicken.

Back to rest and prepare for next adventure!

I reached the foot of the hill at 7 p.m that evening.

The sight of a village and many road stalls was appealing to me. I decided to purchase something to satisfy my stomach, who had long finished with my breakfast and refreshments.

I cruised through the crowded place, in search for an appetizing dish or food. There were numerous food available there. There's the savory fishball soup, dumplings served hot or cold in sweet beans and mochi are also commonly available there. Hence, i bought a small packet of mochi to sate my hunger temporarily. I munched at the sweet mochi, popping them one after another into my mouth.

Then, I saw what i wanted-Lu Rou Fan. I had heard that the rice at Taipei was famous for its mouth watering taste.The old woman who was serving then, held two bowls of the rice skillfully and served it to waiting customers. The gravy and meat was poured over a small mountain of rice. Since it had looked very tempting, i decided to take away a small packet of it.


 On the whole journey back to the hotel, i took whiffs off the fragrant packet of rice. I was faint with hunger by the time i reached my hotel room.
I devoured the whole packet of rice in the matter of minutes. The taste of the rice i thought, lived up to its name.

-10th December

Next stop, Mount JiLong

From afar, I could see the mountain, magnificent. I stared at it, awed and determined. I was up to the challenge of climbing the mountain, I was prepared. Armed with 5 large bottles of mineral water, a first aid box and a backpack full of refreshments, I was confident and ready.

"Thump...Thump...Thump..." I could hear the heavy footsteps of a dozen people who were slogging up the mountain like me. By that time, we were halfway up. My bag was much lighter than the time I started as i finished 3 bottles of water and half the refreshments.

Alas! I caught sight of it, the desired end of the mountain. I lodged on faster then, willing myself forward. There, i caught the first glimpse of the view behind the mountain. I gulped in big lungfuls of fresh air.

That was when the city came into full view. It was so breathtaking that i stopped mid track. I heard a squeal of delight and realized that it came from me. From where i stood, i could get a bird's eye view of the whole city, it was superb. A sense of happiness and satisfaction surged through my body, my hard work had paid off.

I could not bare to leave until i spotted the first signs of dusk. I dragged myself downhill as i kissed goodbye to the beautiful view of the city.

-10th December

Breakfast Time

I was not fussy for my choice of location. I went to the nearest restaurant in JiuFen and had a buffet for breakfast. I gobbled down whatever food i caught sight of. There were ham, cheese, bread and many other food.
In the end, i felt so bloated and instantly decided i was done with breakfast.
I was so full, i could almost feel the calories weighing on me. I was again, back into action, heading to my next destination, where i could burn off some calories.

- 10th December

Plunge into action!

Bright and early that next morning, I wasted no time to get ready for my outing that day. I was all ready by 8a.m.
At the entrance of the hotel building, the view was crowded streets, and roads that were jammed with cars. I instantly panicked, worrying that the traffic congestion would ruin my plans for the day. However, I went back to action very soon, i was not a person who was flustered easily. With the knowledge that the quickest way to get to a desired destination in this country was to hail a taxi, my eyes scanned the area for any signs of a vacant taxi. My eyes zeroed in on an approaching taxi, immediately flailing my arms.
I succeeded in my quest of hailing the taxi. Next up, I had to silence my growling stomach.

- 10th December

Love at first sight

I was gaping at the wonderful sight behind the large glass panel, the night view of the wonderful city.
I was there, finally. The view did not disappoint me the least, making me more eager to be part of the bustling city.
As i first set foot on the grounds of Taipei, i was greeted by the sound of the busy traffic, the signs of an active night life! That was exactly what i was hoping for! I was also caressed  by the cool night breeze, relaxing my nerves.

Oh gosh! I was finally in my hotel room, beside the long awaited bed. I was reminded instantly of my long hours in the plane. Exhausted as i was, i could not help exploring the room in detail. It was an airy room, not cramped at all. There were two bed with snowy white bedsheets. All in all, the room was very inviting.
I hurriedly brush my teeth, only taking a minute of my precious time in that amazing country.
I was in bed in no time. As i closed my eyes and let my exhaustion overtake my senses, i told myself, i loved Taipei. I was looking forward to embracing whatever surprises that was awaiting me the next day.

-9th December