Friday 16 March 2012

Back to rest and prepare for next adventure!

I reached the foot of the hill at 7 p.m that evening.

The sight of a village and many road stalls was appealing to me. I decided to purchase something to satisfy my stomach, who had long finished with my breakfast and refreshments.

I cruised through the crowded place, in search for an appetizing dish or food. There were numerous food available there. There's the savory fishball soup, dumplings served hot or cold in sweet beans and mochi are also commonly available there. Hence, i bought a small packet of mochi to sate my hunger temporarily. I munched at the sweet mochi, popping them one after another into my mouth.

Then, I saw what i wanted-Lu Rou Fan. I had heard that the rice at Taipei was famous for its mouth watering taste.The old woman who was serving then, held two bowls of the rice skillfully and served it to waiting customers. The gravy and meat was poured over a small mountain of rice. Since it had looked very tempting, i decided to take away a small packet of it.


 On the whole journey back to the hotel, i took whiffs off the fragrant packet of rice. I was faint with hunger by the time i reached my hotel room.
I devoured the whole packet of rice in the matter of minutes. The taste of the rice i thought, lived up to its name.

-10th December

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