Friday 16 March 2012

Next stop, Mount JiLong

From afar, I could see the mountain, magnificent. I stared at it, awed and determined. I was up to the challenge of climbing the mountain, I was prepared. Armed with 5 large bottles of mineral water, a first aid box and a backpack full of refreshments, I was confident and ready.

"Thump...Thump...Thump..." I could hear the heavy footsteps of a dozen people who were slogging up the mountain like me. By that time, we were halfway up. My bag was much lighter than the time I started as i finished 3 bottles of water and half the refreshments.

Alas! I caught sight of it, the desired end of the mountain. I lodged on faster then, willing myself forward. There, i caught the first glimpse of the view behind the mountain. I gulped in big lungfuls of fresh air.

That was when the city came into full view. It was so breathtaking that i stopped mid track. I heard a squeal of delight and realized that it came from me. From where i stood, i could get a bird's eye view of the whole city, it was superb. A sense of happiness and satisfaction surged through my body, my hard work had paid off.

I could not bare to leave until i spotted the first signs of dusk. I dragged myself downhill as i kissed goodbye to the beautiful view of the city.

-10th December

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